CHA Mega Show 2014 | Lion Brand's 7 Wonders of the Yarn World
Lion Brand had an amazing and fascinating display in their booth at the CHA Mega Show 2014 - the seven wonders of the world recreated in yarn! It was kind of like the Rose Parade - only every surface was yarn instead of flowers!
From a distance the display was awesome, but from close-up the detail was stunning. Each "wonder" was made with a different stitch and type of yarn, to show off Lion's versatility.
The Mayan Pyramid was done with a stripe and chevron technique with Vanna's Choice and Hometown USA yarns:
The lace technique on the Leaning Tower of Pisa (made from Vanna's Choice, Imagine, and Baby Soft yarns) was insanely detailed:
The Taj Mahal had plenty of embellishment in it, created from Chenille, Festive Fur, Vanna's Choice, Hometown USA, Jiffy, Tweed Stripes, Baby's First, Vanna's Glamour, and glitter ribbon.
Lion Brand Taj Mahal
These granny squares will make you flashback to your childhood...but I have to say, none of my childhood granny square wear was half this cool! The Great Wall of China was made from extra soft wool blend, Heartland, and Vanna's Choice.
The textures on Stonehenge were amazing - the moss around the bottom looked real! It was created with Imagine, glitter eyelash, Fun Fur and Chenille.
The Sphinx looked fierce! It was created in a Colorwork technique with Vanna's Choice, Homespun, Vanna's Glamour, Amazing, Vanna's Colors, and glitter ribbon.
The Easter Island stones got nice warm cable knit sweaters to keep them warm, courtesy of Lion! They are made with Vanna's Choice, Jiffy, and Wool-Ease Quick & Thick.
So which wonder is your favorite?