Black Friday 2014: Die Cutting Machine Sales
Black Friday is shaping up to be an epic battle of the die cut machines, as both Silhouette and Cricut will be aggressively promoting their flagship machines through the major chains and online channels. There will be deals to be had all week as "Black Friday" has turned into a week long (or more) extravaganza of sales at most major retailers.
Additional sales will be announced as the week progresses, so keep checking back for the best deals!
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How to use these listings: These tables may be sorted by clicking on the arrow at the top of each column. Sort by the store column to see all each store’s sales listed together, or sort by brand or product name to compare sales on similar products. Many of the store names and item names are clickable to take you to the item online for easy shopping. (Some of these links are affiliate links, so when you use them you support this site – Thank you!)
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