Creativeworld 2018 Trend Show Tour, Part 2: The Colourist
Welcome back for part two of the Scrapbook Update series on the Trend Show at Creativeworld this year! In part two today, we'll focus on what the Messe Frankfurt trend consultants call "the colourist".
[Disclosure: Messe Frankfurt and the Creativeworld show are a sponsor of this site.]
The Creativeworld trend show is divided each year into three themes that highlight a different trend happening in creative industries. For 2018, the themes selected by the Messe’s trend consultants were “the purist”, “the colourist”, and “the gardener”.
Yesterday, we looked together at "the purist" - a subtle, restful and modest style. Today's style, "the colourist", is absolutely none of those things.
Credit: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
The "colourist" trend is full of bright, vital color, applied with exuberance. No matter the underlying surface, this design style is all about the color. Pattern is driven by color - often lots of it, contrasting and even clashing in a riotous mix.
Credit: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Jean-Luc Valentin
In its simplest form on display, "the colourist" displays bold (seemingly random) brushstrokes of color on white dishes. They jump out at the eye, chaos dancing on the dishes' blank canvas.
Creativeworld Trend Show 2018 colourist
Introducing a rainbow of colors to the dishes creates a happy sense of disorder. Your eye doesn't rest but rather skips from color to delightful color!
Creativeworld Trend Show 2018 colourist
Colored wood stains and dyes that create vibrant color while letting the wood's grain show through have been something of a trend the past year. The Creativeworld trend show display showed different ways to use them to create the exuberant free form "colourist" style, utilizing color blocking, faux dripping, and other paint techniques.
Creativeworld Trend Show 2018 colourist
A familiar face to many in the American papercrafting market participated in the trend show display. Below, stencils from Altenew were paired with Marabu acrylic paint to create kaleidoscopic patterns. The company's products were also in use in the trend show's hands-on area where attendees could get creative and experiment with creating their own version of the show's three trends.
Creativeworld Trend Show 2018 colourist
In fashion, the "colourist" trend is perfect for accessories. Europeans women love to accessorize with scarves, and these examples on display would make great pops of color to brighten up a neckline or black tote!
Creativeworld Trend Show 2018 colourist
The "colourist" has applications in home decor too. I probably won't be replicating this painted wall in my Florida home anytime soon, but this modern style quilt certainly had me vowing to dust off my sewing machine when I got home!
Creativeworld Trend Show 2018 colourist
Stay tuned for part three of this series, on the trend called "the gardener". And if you missed it yesterday, be sure to check out the first part of this article: Creativeworld Trend Show 2018 - The Purist