Design Team Call | Bad Girls Couture (9/15)
For our readers’ convenience, Scrapbook Update publishes the full text of select design team calls, with the company name and deadline in the header.
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Bad Girls Couture Design Team Call
Entry Period: 9/1/18-9/15/18
Open to all US and INTERNATIONAL Artists
Wanna be BAD??!!!!
Bad Girls Design Team Call 2018
Bad Girls Couture is a private label manufacturer specializing in state of the art mixed media , art journals, home decor, and authentic vintage products. Bad Girls Couture prides ourselves on being a green company, helping to sustain our environment by manufacturing products that are eco friendly. We believe in providing our community with an exceptional experience through a team of artists who come together to teach, inspire, and instill an ever evolving atmosphere of innovation. Matter of fact… if you are a RULE BREAKER then you are in the right place! We are looking for artists who create art with no fear and are not afraid to break every single rule, push the envelope, and who have no boundaries! If you want to join the best in the industry and at the same time gain some really good exposure, enjoy great perks, and get to create with some of the best products then you are who we are looking for
Passion for creating art and projects with a broad knowledge of mixed media, and the ability and desire to grow as an artist and try new products.
You must be adept at working with acrylic paint, art journals, mediums (gesso, moulding paste, gel medium, clear gesso, etc.)
Proficient with excellence in photography and knowledge of video taping tutorials and classes.
Must have prior design team experience with knowledge of typical duties and the mixed media art industry.
Must work well under pressure and tight deadlines.
Must be a team player and participate in Bad Girls promotions and contests
Must be active on at least two of the top social media sites (Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, & Twitter)
Must have a current blog and YouTube account.
Other manufacturer and kit club design teams are acceptable. Our paint line is 27 different custom and
unique colors and we expect our design team members to promote our paint solely in your online and print work.
You must be able to contribute a minimum of 1 video tutorial and 2-3 blog posts per month.
You must be able to commit to posting all your work for us on your social media, blog, and online galleries where permitted.
Graphic design experience is not required, but a definite plus.
Bad Girls Couture paint
Entry Requirements:
Submit a combination of 4 projects/layouts…at least one MUST BE a project, or give us a link to a gallery on a social media account that features a good selection of your artwork. Make sure this is your best work and it epitomizes your unique style and abilities.
Submit your resume, links to any online galleries, your blog, your social media accounts, and anything else you deem highlights the exposure of your art, social media, and ability to advertise it.
Please indicate which design teams you are currently on.
Tell us why you would like to be a BAD GIRL! What makes you a good fit for our team? What would you like for us to know about you?
You may submit your completed entry to:
In the subject line please write "Design Team Entry/Your Name". Include your name, address, email address, phone number.
Artists will be notified by 09/17/18. We will have a meeting in September and your official term will begin!
Luscious Design Team boxes will be shipping out the same week! You will receive all 27 colors of our Haute Mess acrylic paints, all of our Haute Mess mediums (Gesso, Moulding Paste, Matte Gel Medium, Glass Bead Gel, Clear Gesso), Gorgeous Haute Mess Art Journal, Gems, Stick Pins, Vintage Fabric and Papers, and more!
Your Benefits as a BAD GIRL DESIGNER:
You will receive our Private Line to design with. As we manufacture and release new lines you will also receive shipments with those contents.
We will also be releasing random Limited Edition Kits. Some design team members may be eligible to design with these kits.
A discount in our Shoppes of 30% off.
Published projects with BAD GIRLS COUTURE signature products will be generously compensated. Amounts to be disclosed to Designers who become a part of our team.
Opportunity to attend and teach at trade shows and retreats.
If you have any questions or comments please send to:
Good Luck to all you BAD GIRLS!!!
For more information on this design team call, visit the Bad Girls Couture blog.